Hot Child in the City

Hot Child in the City

I owned the 45 of “Hot Child in the City” in 1979, when I was 12 years old. I played this record, Nick Gilder’s one hit song, on my Panasonic stereo, in my room with... More
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Our Cinderella Moment

Our Cinderella Moment

Last Saturday night, my dear friend (and very talented artist) Bettina Hubby and I found ourselves riding a shuttle bus up to the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills, which previously I’d only seen in that... More
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All About Eve...and More

All About Eve…and More

James Wolcott, Vanity Fair contributing editor, giant of cultural criticism and protege of Pauline Kael, was a friend of Eve Babitz and calls my Los Angeles Review of Books essay about her “superb” and quotes... More
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It's just Dandy!

It’s just Dandy!

Thinking about doing a cleanse but scared to give up coffee? Let me introduce you to your new best friend: Dandy Blend. I just completed a 3 week cleanse, and I may not have made... More
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Bye-bye Dolly, hello, Internet!

Bye-bye Dolly, hello, Internet!

A friend had extra tickets to see Dolly Parton tonight at the Hollywood Bowl, and I had to decline, too caught up in last minute fixes and posts for, which is LIVE as of... More
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My kind of rock stars

My kind of rock stars

“Other bands wanted to wreck hotel rooms. Roxy Music wanted to redecorate them.” — Bryan Ferry... More
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Zoe Crosher: On the Edge

Zoe Crosher: On the Edge

Artist Zoe Crosher and I bonded over our obsession with the mythology of Los Angeles, something we both explore in our work. Last Friday I went to the opening of her latest show, a selection... More
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Happy Mermaid Parade, New York!

Happy Mermaid Parade, New York!

Today my heart is in Coney Island. I hope my New York peeps have been enjoying gorgeous summer weather for this year’s Mermaid Parade, the best event of the year in all of New York... More
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