Death Becomes Them

Death Becomes Them

Try to imagine another artist whose life and work lend themselves more naturally to a clothing line than Andy Warhol. It’s impossible. A style icon in his own right, Warhol’s coolly classic look was only one facet of his dazzling aura. His universe was a constantly evolving spectacle that embraced the highest highs and the... More
Live and Let Die

Live and Let Die

Art that doesn’t make you think is just expensive decoration, and the work of Damien Hirst could never be accused of pretty vacancy. Like Warhol’s, Hirst’s art raises the Big Questions about life and death and truth and beauty, often all at once, with a deceptive simplicity that leads you to wonder if it’s art... More
Mirror, Mirror on the World

Mirror, Mirror on the World

“Warhol is Dead!” proclaimed the posters for a group photography show in New York – just one blip in the blitz of books, articles, films and exhibitions that commemorated Andy Warhol’s death 20 years ago this past February. The gallery walls were hung with images of the artist, very much alive: Silk-screening bananas at the... More
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